
A Call to Malaysian Youth

Received through email today: "prayer partners...thanks for your continual prayer...Pray for Malaysia is on Godtube...Sharing with you what the Lord did on July 4, 2008 as we prayed for our beloved nation together with 40 nations..." - watch the videoclip

A nation-transformation, history-making call is being sent out:
I strongly urge that all Malaysian youth participate in this prayer movement, regardless which city you come from. From every city across Malaysia, come ON! This is a nationwide call, God is raising up a generation for revival. A generation of young radicals who voluntarily go to the extreme to be set apart for His use in these dark times and train with devotion and diligence - a Nazirite generation. Young people, consider this a trumpet call for PREPARATION for noble use (2 Tim 2:20-22), CONSECRATION of lifestyle (Num 6:1-8) AND SATURATION of the Word (Eph 5:26-27).

It is a serious window of opportunity to pray for Malaysia as if history hinges on it. Because in essence, it does. 

And to my beloved Sabahans, Sabah is on Berita NECF's state spot this round.

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