
Then Moses said, "Now show me Your glory."

it's been a good 2 weeks in LA. flew over to  kansas city 2 nights ago - the heart of the USA. on occasion i ask the LORD, "what am i doin here?". it is good to ask. because you'll know when the answer comes.

yesterday i found myself seated with people from all over the world, congregating at a service by IHOP which they call Forerunner Christian Fellowship. couldn't believe my eyes. or my skin. or whatever way you wanna term it. i saw, i felt, i just couldn't believe that i was seated there. a sense of awe washed over me as i lifted my voice in worship. and for a split second, i go, "wow! i'm actually here..."

as the service went on, the answer came. 'cause those split seconds of disbelief, they occurred multiple times. put together, they probably make up one minute. so, yeah, as i was saying, the answer came.

see, i was supposed to be in kansas city for a summer training lasting 6 weeks that is an integral part of my learning in america. then the training got 'shrunk' to 4 weeks. i had the choice of either stayin in LA during those now-free days, or still fly over to kansas and see how i can occupy my time (at the lowest possible cost!). God, i wanna make the utmost best of the time i'm here, every single day. while i breathe and stay alive here, i ask for divine appointments/connections. lead me beyond human plans and finances. i refuse to waste the time away. kindle the fire, Lord. show me what You have in mind with this change. You brought me here, so what gives...?

mike bickle began sharing a bit abt the history of IHOP, and how the Lord moved him through transition after transition. "transition is not just a change in your position, title, or qualifications, or role. that's too narrow a definition. when God leads you through transition, He's positioning you to carry your heart before Him in a new way." woah. that hit me...

and the message went on to say, "maybe you're here wondering what you're doing here." bingo.
"maybe you're going through a transition in your life, a burden in your heart that no one else knows about or people don't seem to understand." yup.
"during these coming 6 weeks, you're hoping God would reveal Himself in a greater glory." yes!
the phrase 6 weeks kept getting repeated, and the challenge to set apart this time to seek His face like Moses did (Exo 33:18). my heart responded to Holy Spirit in a deep stirring. yes, Lord. You brought me here...i wanna see You.

may God give grace for a season of consecration, grace for deeper intercession and fasting, of seeking His face. positioning myself as He leads me to carry my heart in a new way before Him.
as Moses Your servant dared to ask, Lord, show me Your glory.

i encourage you to dig into the Word and see what God says about the Nazirites, and how we His chosen ones are to be set apart for His use, for His glory. may God give you grace to seek His face day and night, up on the mountain of God but facedown in worship.

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