
You Know I Do

"...We only want to hear the voice of God and not human opinions, for we know that when the Lord reveals his will to us and we obey, our mission will be a success regardless of the results. Success is obeying God. Failure is when we don't obey God..." ~ Back to Jerusalem by Paul Hattaway

And that is absolutely true.

In so many instances, we choose to trust the opinions of men. Often to our own detriment. Because men no matter, how well their intentions, are incapable of being all-knowing and all-able. Men cannot say to you, all things will work for your good. Divine plans and purposes are not in men's hands. But God -- He can. He says He will cause all things to work together for your good, and not only does He mean it, He can actually fulfill that promise. Give you that assurance so you can stop fearing failure. Men cannot be impartial as much as they wish to be. I often try to be impartial, and sometimes it feels as if I am. But even in the most objective of my opinions, I cannot make all things work together for good.

When God says to do something, I'm learning to walk in complete obedience. Not partial. And this is so overwhelming. Just think of all those times you felt you could ignore the voice of God. And those times you have ignored it. Yesterday I spent some hours just meditating on this. That I wanna be totally completely in tune with what God tells me about. At the drop of His hat, in a way. Just knowing that nothing else matters at all... don't you understand, all God really wants is your heart in love with Him? Soaked in His love. Trusting, secure. Unfaltering obedience. I shudder at the thought of forgetting His voice. That I have a Father who promises rest when I just trust enough to do what He asks of me.

The Father is looking for those who will worship Him in Spirit and in truth. Worship is anything you do that pleases God's heart. Even 'doing' as in, just sitting there thinking of Him. Not activity as we know it. But just being aware of His heart all the time, and ever so often 'checking in' to whisper, "God, what's on Your mind now?" To just worship, just reveling in being alive in His hands. His presence living in you.

I was reminded last night, I don't care what happens in the future, to my life, whatever that is taken away from me, whatever that remains, whatever falls apart -- but only to know Christ: His person, His power, His pain. Like Paul, "...whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ...everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in him,...I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death..."

nothing else matters as much.

He loves me, I love Him. That's success, my life wins, 'cause my life is in Him and I'm a-keep on moving forward... (Life is Beautiful - Jaeson Ma)

"Do you love me more than these?"
Yes, Lord. You know I do.

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