



1. To strive in opposition: battle, combat, duel, fight, struggle, tilt, war, wrestle.
2. To strive against (others) for victory: compete, contest, emulate, rival, vie.
3. To put forth reasons for or against something, often excitedly: argue, debate, dispute, moot.
4. To engage in a quarrel: argue, bicker, dispute, fight, quarrel, quibble, spat, squabble, tiff, wrangle. Informal hassle, tangle. Idioms: cross swords, have it out, have words, lock horns.
5. To put into words positively and with conviction: affirm, allege, argue, assert, asseverate, aver, avouch, avow, claim, declare, hold, maintain, say, state. Idioms: have it.

Antonyms: cede, give in, give up, surrender, abandon, desert, give up, leave, retreat

"For in this season of turmoil, do not fear! Lean back on My power, My All-Sufficient Power. For I am not unaware of your troubles or the assails of the enemy. I have seen his foolishness in thinking he can persuade you to give in. This is only a season for the perfecting of My faith in YOU. I have conquered what you are facing already. I AM WITH YOU, I AM IN YOU. I WAR FOR YOU, I WAR THROUGH YOU. Let My faith be released agains your enemy. He fears Me and therefore he fears you..."

i will contend.
i won't give in, Lord. i will contend.
devil, you lose.