

ever thought of whipping up some spectacular dish that people can only dream about and salivate after, if only you could just know the perfect measurements of each ingredient and whip it up in the kitchen (without a recipe)?

ever had a strong desire to sketch an image you've got impressed on your heart and mind, like you can almost 'see' it in your mind's eye, if only you know how to eloquently portray it with your brush and canvas?

God's been breaking mindsets for me. and there's a growing discontent inside of me of what church looks like. of what new testament church looks like. i find no satisfactory 'definition', yet on the other hand am seeing church through a NEW pair of eyes, getting this itch in my hands and feet to grab that brush and start drawing out my take on acts 2:42-47.

Church: In the New Testament, the ekklesia. In the Bible, this has no reference whatever to buildings or organizations but to the called-out assembly, the covenant people of God. In the overwhelming number of cases, the church or ekklesia of both the Old and New Testaments is the visible covenant community in a particular locale or region. Under the authority of elders (godly heads of households), it unites on the first day of the week to hear the preaching of the Word, to receive the sacraments, and to preserve and perpetuate the Christian Faith. The church is one aspect of the kingdom of God, but it is not the kingdom itself. (from www.reformationonline.com/glossary.htm)

that's such a lacking definition. yet makes me think.

definitely we all agree church isn't a building. then what?! put simply, a gathering of disciples committed to Christ and His commands - right? but what does it LOOK like? God, show me!

can't word it. but i try, these days i'm so hungry for a re-definition.
to unlearn and relearn.
to throw off and put on.
to discard and discover.
there's gotta be more to church life than meets my eye...

communion aka the last supper.
sharing of belongings.
apostolic covering.
prophetic utterances.
signs and wonders.
spirit-filled teaching.
lifechanging lifechangers multiplying uncontainably.
baptism anytime and everywhere!
visions and dreams - joel 2
"thousands were added to their numbers daily."

imagine with me. gatherings of any number of believers of any indigenous grouping scattered all over, saturating a whole city/village/nation/university/office/profession/industry/location/tribe/interest group/race ! (been reading different stuff, one of them mindset-breakers is The Blueprint by Jaeson Ma) an example would be a gathering of a group of college students passionate about theatre and dance in which from one who turned to Christ, the whole group got saved, and together they started BECOMING church. these ppl may never fit into a traditional 'church' as we know it, but they're a church! these saints need ephesians 4:12 and 1 peter 2:9 - RIGHT WHERE THEY ARE. those of us who came from a more traditional type of church now call ourselves the 'charismatic' or 'contemporary' church - but i believe with all my heart that still isn't it. it's still possible that we fall into a rut and limit God's revival more with our way of 'doing church'.

Lord, give me insight and a keen ear. burn onto my heart a vision of acts that overtakes my whole being and turns my world upside-down so that you can use me to turn others' world upside-down. imprint a passion in my spirit to be wholely yours so you can sketch for generations to come with my life as your brush.
show me what i feel you're showing me.
let me see what i think i'm seeing.
help me be who i know you want me to be.

1 comment:

EADotCom said...

A "house church" seems close.... aka "The Church that meets in _____" :D