
"family graduation?"

my dad had this UMS convocation studio project Sept 2007, and my mum, sis and i would often drop by to visit him at work and bring him dinner. found these gem snapshots today!

(anti-clockwise from bottom left: mum Lucy, dad Henry, sis Phyllis and yours truly Janice)

i like my family. things aren't peachy always, but i like 'em. over the years God has allowed me to be moulded into a somewhat 'better daughter', versus those days of rebellion (which i don't wanna blame on adolescent hormones). He's still speaking to me through my family and my times with them or thinking about them, on a day-to-day basis i'm reminded of love and humility. for that i'm thankful, and days will come when life would have turned one full circle and it's my turn to worry about them. i know God alone sustains us as a unit.

25 I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous
forsaken or their children begging bread.
26 They are always
generous and lend freely; their children will be blessed.
27 Turn
from evil and do good; then you will dwell in the land forever.

1 comment:

EADotCom said...

Gems indeed. Lovely shots. You all dont look very alike tho! Ha